The Genetic Test For Alopecia Has Revolutionized Its Treatment

Genetics is the branch of biology that studies genes and helps us understand the mechanisms that govern the transmission of hereditary characteristics. This specialty has undergone significant development in recent times, and the notable advances achieved have revolutionized procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

The genetic test for alopecia is an example of this. It is one of the best options to establish an anti-loss hair treatment or even to perform a hair graft.

What is a genetic test for alopecia?

Human DNA is made up of about 25,000 genes, which are found in every cell in the body. Each of them has codified information that regulates specific organic functions.

Therefore, carrying out a genetic test for alopecia will give us access to very relevant information about the nature of hair loss, will allow us to make an early diagnosis, and be able to choose the most effective medical therapy in each case, also ruling out those treatments to which the patient will not respond favorably.

Do you have any special requirements before taking the test?

The first step when doing the genetic test for alopecia is to consult with one of our specialist doctors. A clinical history will be made where the pathological and family history of the patient will be analyzed, as well as an adequate physical and microscopic examination of the scalp. 

All the information collected is important to help us determine the type of alopecia and the degree of severity in each patient. It will be this professional who will indicate the test to be carried out and who will take the corresponding sample, which in itself does not require any type of special prior requirement.

What does the alopecia test consist of?

To carry out the genetic test, a sufficient cell conglomerate must be obtained to be able to be analyzed, which is usually extracted by sweeping the buccal mucosa with a swab. It is a non-invasive, quick and painless procedure. Once the sample is obtained, it is sent to a laboratory for processing. 

The software used provides access exclusively to doctors registered on the platform, so that only they can follow the sample process and know the results; thus, confidentiality is guaranteed.

Will it help me solve my alopecia problem?

The genetic test for alopecia allows us to know in depth and with total certainty the hereditary factors that affect the appearance of baldness in each patient. This information helps us decide which will be the best among the various medical treatments that we can administer. It is especially indicated for people who have a family history of alopecia and who have received conventional treatments with unsatisfactory results.

With the information obtained through the genetic test, we can design an effective treatment tailored to the patient. Different types of treatment can be applied alone or in combination: they include antiandrogens, growth factors and vitamins.

What type of alopecia does it detect?

Androgenic alopecia affects 80% of men and 40% of women. Without effective treatment, the baldness process progresses progressively and inexorably. But, in addition to hereditary factors, there are those we know as extrinsic.

They include pollution, stress, hormonal or circulatory alterations, and inflammatory pathologies of the scalp, a sedentary lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies and an elevated level of circulating testosterone. For this reason, the treatment of alopecia must be comprehensive to be successful, and consider both genetic and extrinsic factors. 

The former are analyzed and determined with the genetic test for alopecia in our hair transplant clinics in Vie Aesthetics Harley Street, while the latter constitute information that is collected in the anamnesis of the medical history and in the form that must be completed together with to the test.

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